Mustangs for Christ is a community of students and college-aged adults seeking to glorify God by becoming committed followers of Jesus.
The M4C Student Center
We are a non-denominational group devoted getting to know Jesus through Bible study, prayer, discipleship, sharing life together, and joining God’s mission to make things right in the world.
There are a lot of things we can say about who we are and what we believe, and we really want to tell you in person! But here are a few simple statements to give you an idea about us:
- We take truth seriously, but we don't take ourselves too seriously. In other words, we recognize life is about serious commitments to God, but we also strive to enjoy the journey!
- We believe the Bible is God's Word, and it's very important to us; as a matter of fact, the Bible is our only "Statement of Faith". His word is our means of knowing ultimate truth for our lives, and it teaches us about salvation, following Jesus, and living life the way God intends us to live...what a great existence we discover as we are "transformed by the renewing of our minds" (Romans 12:2)
- We believe God exists, he is the ultimate cause and designer of the universe, and he manifested himself to us in Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus is the only way to God. That statement (Jesus is the only way to God) is politically incorrect, no doubt, but we believe it, and it drives us to share our Lord with all whom we encounter.
Some of the things we do
BaseGroups – Various times each week
Bible with Baristas – Wednesdays at 8:00 PM
Game Nights
Movie Nights
Intramural events
Service Projects
Equipping Events
Winter Camp
Foreign and Stateside Mission Trips
Bible Studies