Stop Waiting for a Good Day
/For me, it's been one of those days. Ever had one? I'm sure you have. In fact, in visiting with many of you, I know the stress of collegiate life is bearing down intensely on you right now.
I bet you can't wait for things to let up--and become easier--so that you can relax and enjoy life again. My advice to you: Stop waiting!
I think the enemy is quite clever in convincing us that favorable circumstances are key components in enjoyable life. As a result, said enemy has us chasing these circumstances like we would the proverbial pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
"Once I get through this class, life will be good."
"Once I sort out this drama, all will be fixed"
"Once I start getting more income, life will be easier"
"Insert your burden here"
What results is a life full of SEEKING joy and peace, but never FINDING and EXPERIENCING IT. Don't get me wrong, there are real challenges in life that shouldn't be blown off or ignored. But God has a fundamentally counter-intuitive viewpoint toward struggles which can dramatically shift your life experience. In short: EXPERIENCE JOY NOW! Take a look at the following verse:
This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)
Take a look at Psalm 118 in its entirety. The Psalm gives an account of UNFAVORABLE CIRCUMSTANCES overcome by the name of the Lord. And guess what...God still takes care of his kids today, so why worry?
How can we experience this kind of peace in hard times? By faith, of course! And a healthy dose of perspective.
As Jesus said, the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy...but he came to give us abundant life (John 10:10).
Are you living abundantly TODAY? Don't make the abundant life Jesus offers CONTINGENT UPON favorable circumstances. Instead, show the power of Christ to others by experiencing the abundant life IN THE MIDST OF challenges!