Handling Stress Well
/It's that time of year! Stress, while it may come and go throughout the semester, seems to visit everyone right about now. As a follower of Jesus, you have a hope within you that should produce healthy ways of dealing with stress. All too often, however, our own nature kicks in and we wind up in the same old habits.
Let this be the semester you deal with stress in a healthy way, rather than repeating last year's mistake of punching the hole in that wall.
Here are four postures I would encourage you to keep pursuing throughout this season; I believe they will help you overcome the stressful days without pulling out your hair (if only someone had given ME this advice--cue bald joke).
- Keep Trusting. Has God brought you this far? What makes you think He would abandon you now?
- Keep Praying. Have you asked the Lord for His help? If not, what's stopping you? If so, what on earth could overcome you?
- Keep Reaching. Leverage the Christmas season as an opportunity to serve other people. Carve some time that would normally be wasted to go serve some folks. I can provide plenty of ideas on this, come by M4C if you need some. Instead of picking up that console controller to escape, try an act of service. Something about helping others seems to shrink our own issues.
- Keep Moving. Physical activity and work really helps maintain balance. Don't get paralyzed with stress. If you find yourself there, go workout immediately, or come to the student center for some physical games. Trust me, it will help.
We aren't always meant to experience life free from difficulty. Such a life would certainly fail to develop our character and faith. But we should approach stressful situations with the hope and peace that Jesus provides.
Prayers for a strong finish!